MovieChat Forums > Andrew Lincoln Discussion > Most convincing american accent by a Bri...

Most convincing american accent by a Brit?

Just saw love actually, I had no idea. He actually has a regional accent in Walking Dead. I think this is more impressive than Idris Elba in the Wire.


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I actually love his voice so much in TWD that I was a little disappointed to hear his true accent! That's definitely a first for me as I usually adore British accents!


Just saw Kick-Ass. Mark Strong's brooklyn accent is even better.


To be honest I've always had trouble with Andrew Lincoln. I like him as an actor and he picks (or wins) good roles in decent shows/films/whatever usually, so I look out for stuff he's in when I see it but I always kind of hated his voice.

The Walking Dead is the first time I can actually watch him and switch off to fully appreciate him because he sounds alright with an American accent. I'm a Brit and am therefore not qualified to say if he's any good at the specific accent or not, beyond the fact that it seems to be consistant in itself and he sounds very similar to everyone else in the show (to my ear) but it's a rest from his boring soft nasal drone of an English accent.

I never understood why he got picked up for so many voice-overs here?? Sean Bean I get, Sean Pertwee I get, Richard Armitage I totally get - Andrew Lincoln??? why?


I would have to give it to Gary Oldman in True Romance although his New York accent in Romeo is Bleeding is pretty damn good too. But that wigger accent in TR is priceless.

He musta thought it was white boy day.

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Oh man, Gary Oldman is so great, I love that man. I saw in an interview that it took him quite awhile to get his English accent back, after using the American one so often during filming.

Have you seen him in Kimmel's mean tweets? So funny.

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~


Wow, those were funny. Are those for real or just written for the show?

Oldman is hands down the most under appreciated actor in our lifetime. I was just in another thread talking about how the Oscars are a joke and all you have to do is look up Gary Oldman and the Oscars. One nomination? Really people? Bunch of jerk offs.

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