Logan as an actor

I must say, that I've just seen this guy in 2 movies. "Percy Jackson" and "The perks of being a wallflower".

When I watched the first of these, Percy Jackson. I really disliked him, thought he was a really bad actor and that he didn't convince me at all.

BUT, then I saw him in "Perks of being..." and his acting was really super great, 'cause he really convinced me that he was this little shy guy, with no friends and so on.

This has taught me two basic things.

1) You don't judge an actor/actress after seeing them in only one movie, you should at least watch three before you can really tell. Sometimes it's the other actors, the script, the director or producer that really sucks.

2) You can really unlearn stuff, because I thought I had learned the first thing (the statement above), but it seems like I had not.


Hahahahahaha, that's a troll (or simply IGNORANT) post. That's all.
