MovieChat Forums > Rhys Ifans Discussion > Ifans - what a dumbass

Ifans - what a dumbass

Yet another reason not to see this abomination reboot piece of crap.

Stay out of America, douchebag. We don't need ya.

The complaint line forms to the left. Have a cupcake and an aperitif whilst you wait.


Apart from shoving a guard...that's not cool...

Is that speech supposed to make me hate him...cause I love it. LOL

Real prima donna stuff on one hand, and Sunset Boulevard and Orson Welles declining years on the other.

Comic Cons are a circus, but no need to go on about it...but thats pretth damn funny. it! Another dramatic reading from the brilliant Mr Ifans!

If he could take a chill pill, he'd be a greag doctor who!

They make this stuff up as they go along.
