This is England

I just watched This is England and Stephen Grahams performance was outstanding....I mean I never really took him for a serious actor before....everything he has done in the past has been *beep* really....aside from snatch (which was prety much a comedy role) and some small parts in proper things like band of brothers and gangs of new york.

But I really felt that he was awesome in this role and really showed a wide range of skills....maybe he should be given some better roles in the future after this..

No...he is doing some *beep* sounding heist film called outlaws and some load of bollocks called "awaydays"......sort it out people....give him some proper *beep* material


He was spellbinding. The nuances, the set speeches, the looks, the menace, the empathy all went to make his performance realistic, disturbing and believable.
