is she a psycho??;_ylt=AlNjrixHdjFL5oo1BWiaIL axBwx.;_ylv=3?qid=20090514032047AAmhN3f

""found this on yahoo answers...""

16 year old son MAY BE having sex with his 30 year old cousin?
My son who just turned 16 last month is going to be staying with his cousin for the next 7 days. They are not blood cousins, she is my foster brother's ex wife's daughter. She's known him since birth.

They haven't seen each other for 2 and a half years, before that they have been fairly close with each other. In the past I've talked to her often as well, but as time went by there was not as much contact. She phoned me last week and we talked shortly, and said she really wants to see John again and that its been too (my son) and told me to keep it a surprise for him until the day before he leaves.

Over the last 2 years John has changed so much, he's completely independent and pays for all his own food and everything but we don't communicate as well. He was a small boy before and now he's already completely developed like a full grown adult. I told her to phone me as soon as he arrived as she did. Then she said she couldn't believe how much he's changed and how "good looking" he is;Which sort of threw me off balance in a way.

2 days ago I got a phone call from one of John's best friend Brandon's mother(who I am close friends with)and told me that she overheard something about John telling Brandon how its going at his cousins,and bragging and saying he was cuddling with her while watching a movie at night and also that she was "massaging his hips"and has been allowing him to sleep in her bed with her since the first day. She also found traces of unclosed MSN convos on the computer.

I was SHOCKED to hear every word of it and I was so much in disbelief that I haven't even bothered to call yet to ask as I am almost speechless. She was then telling me brandon said they were just "playing innocent and joking around" which I don't really know what to believe. I am especially worried as they are not "BLOOD" related. His cousin is almost 16 years old than he is, I do know her quite well but its been a long time; She was successful in becoming an actress playing in smaller independent films and actually a couple big ones that have been in the theaters(hostel 2)- Lauren German. I've realized that she is a very attractive young woman, a teen my sons' age would be extremely vulnerable. My son is not the type to over exaggerate things, so I do believe what I've heard.

I don't know for sure if they have had SEX; I'm not even sure what I should ask or say on the phone as I haven't even phoned since I heard from brandon's mom. I need some solid advice please!! Thank you!

I have to return some video tapes...


I dont blieve the lies, and neither should you!!

