MovieChat Forums > Tony Blair Discussion > What was the ultimate verdict of the Chi...

What was the ultimate verdict of the Chilcot enquiry?

Did it exonerate Blair or in any way find him guilty of waging an illegal war against Iraq in 2003?

Also, two questions.

In the Guardian article, that writes "Ten things Chilcot enquiry reveals about Blair and Iraq war", it mentions two things that are contradictory. One is that it clears Blair of sexing up the infamous September 2002 "dodgy dossier" but then a moment later states that "Blair was using his trademark evangelism to determine that Saddam Hussein was a major threat when he was not" - but wasn't the latter one in itself sexing up and lying?

And also - it talks about how "Even if Britain stayed out of war, the war was going to happen anyway because Bush and the American government were so determined on it" but how does that excuse Blair's involvement in the matter?

And was Chilcot enquiry ultimately worth it, it was told that it is several times longer than Tolstoy's "War and Peace" and cost more than £2 million to "make".
