She is outrageously hot

I just watched 17 again kind of from the middle and first scene i saw she was in i was like wow, i have seen many many girls and she's like one of those girls blow the 10 margin like she's 12/10


"I really hate this riddiculous notion that you can do a x/10 rating for something as subjective as beauty, but yeah, in this case, this sounds about right. "

Of course you can do a x/10 rating on beauty. The rating is as subjective as beauty is. You might have noticed that different people rate the same person differently because the rating itself is not absolute, it's an opinion.

Beauty isn't entirely subjective though, there are specific traits that the vast majority find more beautiful than others. This becomes evident if you look at how low the spread of peoples opinions on someones beauty is. It's obviously not completely random, some people are objectively more beautiful than others. Beauty is partly in the eye of the beholder but far from completely.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

And i just saw her in Sexy Evil Genius and she is stunning, she looks much prettier now then when i first saw her in Buffy the vampire slayer, also i love her voice, also better then in Buffy.
