MovieChat Forums > James Marsden Discussion > Cyclops or Gaurdians of the Galaxy

Cyclops or Gaurdians of the Galaxy

Waiting to hear if he will be returning to his role as Cyclops in Days of Future Past or do you think he will get the chance to be the lead actor in Gaurdians of the Galaxy, they are deciding between 8 actors and he is among them.

I have always wanted to see him return as Cyclops and get the screen time he deserves along with the character but now that he has a chance to be the lead actor in Gaurdians of the Galaxy where you know his role wouldn't be screwed and he would get plenty of screen time and finally get to show his leadership skills. Unless he somehow will be able to pull both roles off, that would be awesome!

Im really hoping he at least gets one of those roles, he would do great and I think its time for him to shine!

Hopefully we get some news soon. Fingers crossed for him.



I guess he can't get both, but will whoever directs him give him a decent part???
I hate what they did to Cyclops in all 3 of the X-Men films.


I'd love Jimmy to be back as Cyclops to make things right this time... but I fear that with all those characters he wouldn't have enough screen time (again)
So I hope for the lead in Guardians of the Galaxy!


I know I love him as Cyclops but if he has a chance to get a new lead role who will give him the justice than I think he should take it! Or what would be even better if he could somehow get both and be able to juggle both roles. Especially if his role as Cyclops is small(hope not) than maybe he could pull it off.

They might be waiting to hear to see if he gets the lead in Guardians of the Galaxy before they even consider Cyclops. Who knows.

Im getting anxious to see what roles he gets! He better at least get one of them though! Hopefully we hear soon


I completely agree... anyway he now has to get a lead role in a studio movie. enough with the independent ones for a bit


Mau, you took the words completely out of my keyboard. I think Mr. Marsden has done a few too many films that, without studio power behind them, never get distributed. It's a miracle that Robot & Frank and Bachelorette got out from behind the dark clouds of obscurity. I just feel badly that it has to be another comic book role - or a couple of them - that his name is being associated with.
He really needs a good drama. A GOOD drama.

I just attended the movies this afternoon. I am appalled at the huge quantity of really bad films that were at my cinema-plex today. We settled on Killing Them Softly. i think the thing should have been gunned down and buried in a common grave, never to be seen. And that was the best of all the least that were out there. We saw our Lincoln and Life of Pi, but they stay in the theaters a very long tine, and nothing else of value can get in. I don't begrudge them, really I don't, but moviegoers have been in a desert a very long time. If I want to see a good film again, I'll buy it when it appears in DVD form, even though there's nothing like seeing it larger in life in a theater.

Again, at the risk of repeating myself, I would also like to see a brave theater which shows really good independent films, to give them a venue.


Enough with the independent movies... I just read that Robot & Frank will not even be released in blu-ray. Really I have no words. I won't be able to watch the movie in theatre obviously here in Italy and now I can't even buy the American blu-ray because it will never be released.. Just the dvd... WHY??? WHY???


I am sorry about R&F.That just proves our point.

But as another thought to this Cyclops or Guardians topic:
James Marsden has already seen how his central character of Cyclops was overshadowed and minimalized by how Singer and the others went nuts over Wolverine. It made a major star out of Hugh Jackman. Nothing against Mr. Jackman, but...

I hope this gives Mr. Marsden pause before he signs a contract.
Isn't there any kind of guarantee that this kind of thing won't happen again?
Marsden was such an unknown then, and his role did catapult him - but the character itself was downplayed, and Marsden was reduced to playing Jackman's foil - and not being able to be more forceful in his portrayal of Scott/Cyclops. He's really a much better actor than his actual performance showed. So much so, that when, in X-2, when Jean was overwhelmed by the flood waters and disappeared, Scott's emotional reaction seemed strange to many people who watched and wrote to IMDb.
It could be said that Cyclops had a closer relationship with Charles Xavier; when the latter seemed to be non-responsive, Cyclops leaned close and spoke his appreciation for his mentor. There seemed closeness between Scott and Jean, but it too, was seriously downplayed. I don't even know if Singer is capable to overcome the serious flaws he caused in the first two films.


very true.. He should not get involved unless his character is given the right screen time and the right material to work Jimmy's talent around.
I could tolerate a small part in this movie only and ONLY if there will be another sequel around Cyclops.
Otherwise I'd say *beep* X-Men and try to get Guardians of the Galaxy!
