MovieChat Forums > Darren Aronofsky Discussion > Darren Aronofsky - One of the modern gre...

Darren Aronofsky - One of the modern greats

When I visit the boards of some film-makers in imdb, let's take the case of Paul Thomas Anderson, I find that the board's full of tributes and how he's Kubrickian or how he's the best modern one.

What I find in here in the Darren Aronofsky's message boards is whether he is a racist, slating him for being an atheist, or how he stole ideas, or how he disgusts being a slave. What? Really? It all seems madness.

He is definitely one the best modern film-makers with original and profound ideas, expressed in a visually, aurally (credits to Clint Mansell) and intellectually challenging way. One of those whom you can associate with the word genius. A potential all time great film-maker. Why aren't there many real tributes to him?

Those who like him, please pour in your praises here telling why you think he's one of the best, all the aspects of his film-making that you like to anything that's special about his works. He deserves more applause and accolades.


Um, yeah, ok... anyway... A movie does not have to have a grand ideology to be a great film (2001, Citizen Kane). A movie should only be taken for what it is and what it was trying to be. The Wrestler is a perfectly crafted slice-of-life film. Rourke nailed it. Evan Rachel Wood brought the emotional goods and Marisa Tomei owned all of her brow-sweatingly erotic scenes. This movie is all about the details, the minutae of a bleek and desolate life in middle America. Comparing this film to 2001 and Kane does not do it justice for it is nothing like those films and wants to be nothing like those films. It's the authenticity and emotion that make it so powerful. This was far beyond "moderate quality", it was the best movie in the past 15 years.

Also: "As far as low-budget debut films, Badlands and Following, amongst dozens other debuts, are better than Pi"

Heeeeell no. Following sucked. Chris Nolan sucks. Pi was made from the mind of a mad genius. Badlands was ok, nothing special. Malick greatly improved on the same premise with Days of Heaven, a far superior, similar film.
