MovieChat Forums > Anne Hathaway Discussion > Still so fvcking gorgeous!

Still so fvcking gorgeous!

Big time.


39 of the last 45 Best Actress Oscar winners have been nude in films.
See how that works?


No she isnt. Anne Hathaway is the most overrated beauty and actress in Hollywood. She is as phony as a three dollar bill and as mean as a snake oh that poor poor child of hers I pitty that poor soul. Anne looked average at best in her hayday back in The Princess Diaries, Seconalback Mountain and The Devil Wears Prada, although Emily Blunt was stunning in that one, she certainly 1-uped Ms. Hathaway. Now, she looks like a dried up anorexic skank with an awful pixie cut that make her look like a 55 year old hag. She even got Wes Bentley killed in Interstellar, the only likable character, save for Murphhhhhhhhh!!!!!! That kept me awake and from noding off in that 3 hour snoozefest, God it felt like I was in the movie theater for 123 years, just like in the movie. Anyway, I digress long enough to make an uncomfortable said way aqnd having said that Anne Hathaway has had her day in the sun, much undeservedly so, now she must go a way! Oh and yes, I have met her on three diffrent occasions and she was just as nasty and bitchy each time.
