MovieChat Forums > Emmy Rossum Discussion > You do not deserve as much money as Macy

You do not deserve as much money as Macy

so get over it , he is the star of the show and has had a way bigger career. So get over yourself , i hope showtime doesn't cave to your demands and just fires you instead.It aint got nothing to do with sexism , macy was always the star and bigger draw , without shameless no one would even know who you are , you are a average actress at best. They can find someone better to replace you but i doubt they could find another person who plays Frank as great as Macy.


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Giants 2007.


It wouldn't be that bad if they got paid the same. Lots of shows pay their biggest stars on the show the same amount. The sad thing is she wants to be paid more than him. Macy name alone brought viewers to the show and he has won many awards because of his work on that show. She can't claim either one of those because no one knew who she was before this show.


Exactly , she wants more money than him now. Shameless has been on a steady decline the last few seasons anyway maybe it's time to call it quits after this season. Macy will keep getting big jobs , emmy not so much.This could really blow up in her face.


You're all wrong. Ms. Rossum has been the staple of that series for a long time now. She made a name for herself in her own right before this show. After 7 years working and a hand in directing, I think she is deserving of a pay raise.

She is a talented actress, and after this series ends she will find other work. I think it's a smart idea for her to demand more at this time.


'You're all wrong. Ms. Rossum has been the staple of that series for a long time now. She made a name for herself in her own right before this show. After 7 years working and a hand in directing, I think she is deserving of a pay raise.

She is a talented actress, and after this series ends she will find other work. I think it's a smart idea for her to demand more at this time.'


While Macy is a brilliant veteran of his field and deserves the attention he's received by the Emmys etc... Rossum has been the true star of the series and has carried the show to where it is at. She also has a lot more screentime than Macy as well, there is no reason she shouldn't have already been getting a larger salary than him by this point in the series. And she is far from just a decent actress. She is leagues above everyone in the series alongside Macy. But because she's younger and has less credits to her name people feel justified in saying it's not deserved. I've never been able to understand how overlooked her talent is when she IS the star of the show.



Macy has more nominations for the show than she does. Do your homework before spouting biased opinions based on personal preference. I'm glad you like her, but that does not mean she deserves more than costars that had just as big a role making the show a success. This is not equality, it's ego.


She is a good actress. But she is definitely not above everyone, especially William Macy.
