MovieChat Forums > John Williams Discussion > Ignorant Fools Who Think That Williams S...

Ignorant Fools Who Think That Williams Sucks Now

I'm sick and tired of everyone saying that John Williams has "lost his touch" or "he's not good anymore". You people don't understand that movies have changed since indiana jones and star wars (the 70's-80's) and thus film music has as well. It's not that mr. williams isn't good anymore or that he's getting old, it's because the only kind of films now that demand awesome, thematic, melodic, epically orchestral scores are kids movies! Granted, there are a few out there that get a good score like that but come on, could you all seriously picture minority report, A.I. and War of the Worlds with an E.T, Indiana Jones, Star Wars kind of score? The reason he scores a film the way he does is because the movie demands that kind of score.

Now, I am also disappointed about the lack of awesome scores during the past 12 years or so. Williams only score that has come in the recent decades that I've liked are The Patriot, Geisha, and Munich. And even those can't compare to his older scores. I don't think he sucks because of this! As for his age, everyone who has ever studied music history knows that composers get better with age and Williams is no exception. His music is still great regardless of the lack of themes. Williams, as well as most any film composer, would love to score a film with awesome, thematic, melodic, epically orchestral music. But the fact is that film makers are extreme micro managers and they often leave composers with no choice in what the music sounds like.


Williams was the best thing about Indy 4!!

"Life lesson: Some tasks aren't worth doing" - Dwight Schrute
