
did anyone know she practices wicca (which means she's a whitch)


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yeah. interesting.

"Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you."


Yes. When she won an Emmy award for her tv show Cybill, she thanked the Great Goddess.


well she looks like one who practises wicca. Even in the film taxi driver........my reaction to her on screen appearance was just.... ''whoa... lady what'sup with you? her eye flirts were going EVERYWHERE. very sinful seduction.''


Better a witch than a Christian. (Or Jew. Or Muslim. All the same - ya know, persecutors who can't stand it when someone else lives a happy and fulfilled life differently than they do.)

And OH MY GOD I am not talking about every single person who practices those religions so just STFU before you accuse me of being narrow-minded. I just notice that pagans are less likely to pass judgment and criticize other lifestyles.

"Don't fck with me, I guarantee you I'm crazier."


I know I love the fact that she is a Witch. I am a Witch myself and I am so glad to have her to be in our religion!!!

Love Always & Blessed Be,
Xander Trotter

"Slap me with the splintered ruler." - Alanis Morissette, All I Really Want


"I just notice that pagans are less likely to pass judgment and criticize other lifestyles."

BWAAAAAAAAhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha HAAAAAAAhahahahahahahahahaa!!!

OMG that has to be the funniest line I've EVER come across on IMDB!!!


Kryssi, you just contradicted yourself.

You started out your post with a criticism: "Better a witch than a Christian. (Or Jew. Or Muslim. All the same - ya know, persecutors who can't stand it when someone else lives a happy and fulfilled life differently than they do.)"

Then you said: "I just notice that pagans are less likely to pass judgment and criticize other lifestyles."

It appears to me that you don't realize that for many Christians, particularly Catholics, that IS a lifestyle, not just a religion and not just something they do on Sunday mornings.

So, if you are a Pagan or Wiccan, you just gave the lie to your own words about Pagans being less likely to pass judgment.

And in the nearly 20 years I've been Pagan, I've seen a LOT of judgment coming out of Pagan circles. In fact, I would have to say that Pagans tend to be some of the most offended and therefore judgmental people I have ever run into in my entire life. They are forever yelling about being persecuted, they are forever blaming every little tiny thing on Christians, they are drama queens and really look down on everyone (including other Pagans) who disagree with them...I could go on. It's insane.
