MovieChat Forums > Peter Jackson Discussion > Is he like George Lucas now?

Is he like George Lucas now?

Lord of the Rings were my favorite films, but for some reason I never bothered to watch the Hobbit films, so I haven't paying much attention to Peter Jackson over the past 10 years. From what little I've heard, people seem to think the Hobbit films are not very good and extremely disappointing compared to LOTR, and Peter Jackson's reputation has gone way down. I just realized that this all sounds VERY eerily similar to George Lucas's rep going down with the Star Wars prequels. Is that what's happened? Has Peter Jackson gained a George Lucas-like reputation now that he's done these "disappointing" Hobbit movies?

Half fan, half troll.


Weeeell, see I don't agree with that. Sure there is a lot of spectacle in Titannic, and Avatar but they are still reasonably efficient and entertaining stories.

Trash. That's a given. But entertaining nonetheless.

I reserve jumping the shark for those things so utterly depleted that the only thing to be done is exaggerate to the ridiculous. Which isn't really the situation with Titanic or Avatar.

Yes, the films were conventional, and uninspired. But the stories were still entertaining, the graphics and spectacle were icing on the cake.

What would Gladiator be without all the spectacle of Rome, and reduced to 80's BBC level production values...?

