MovieChat Forums > Peter Jackson Discussion > Is he like George Lucas now?

Is he like George Lucas now?

Lord of the Rings were my favorite films, but for some reason I never bothered to watch the Hobbit films, so I haven't paying much attention to Peter Jackson over the past 10 years. From what little I've heard, people seem to think the Hobbit films are not very good and extremely disappointing compared to LOTR, and Peter Jackson's reputation has gone way down. I just realized that this all sounds VERY eerily similar to George Lucas's rep going down with the Star Wars prequels. Is that what's happened? Has Peter Jackson gained a George Lucas-like reputation now that he's done these "disappointing" Hobbit movies?

Half fan, half troll.


Here I go again and maybe it's just me, but I think James Cameron is the next George Lucas. All he has coming up is Avatar, Avatar, Avatar. Is he ever going to do that Battle Angel film?

Cliff Burton


Is he ever going to do that Battle Angel film?

He says he is. He has given a number of interviews where he has mentioned doing it after the Avatar follow-ups. Here's one of them: e-angel-alita-for-2017.html#~oRRed7oHmRqbSY


I really can't go as far as to call him the next George Lucas because Jackson can at least still get great performances out of his actors....either that or he's got one helluva casting department.

I'm Rick James, bitch!!!!


You know why? Because he cares about making Avatar. It's not his job to give you what you want. Make your own Battle Angel film if you're so desperate for it.

James Cameron is nothing like Lucas. Cameron is passionate about what he chooses to do. And the quality of his movies are superior. Hell, not even the original Star Wars was that good. Especially compared to any of Cameron's films.


That has got to be the most childish reply ever. I pity you.

"Here are beauties which pierce like swords or burn like cold iron."-C.S. Lewis on LotR


What's childish about it? Childish is expecting people to give you what you want all the time. I'm being level headed. I may not like Cameron's choices, but who I am to tell him what he should film? that's childish.


But unlike Lucas, James Cameron produced something entertaining decades after he started. He even produced films that didn't regurgitate those few early successes he experienced...


Okay, maybe I was exagerating. James Cameron merely jumped the shark with Titanic and Avatar IMHO.

"You're gonna need a bigger boat"-Jaws
