MovieChat Forums > Valerie Harper Discussion > Who was her 'angel donor' ?

Who was her 'angel donor' ?

During the last few weeks of Harper's life this summer, her husband set up a 'GoFundMe' page, to help with medical expenses as the family went through all their money over the past few years on 'alternate treatment' for Harper, which was expensive. They encountered additional expenses giving the actress 'round the clock care' in her remaining weeks.

“There are unrelenting medical costs on a continuous basis. Valerie is currently taking a multitude of medications and chemotherapy drugs as well as going through extreme physical and painful challenges now with around the clock, 24/7 care immediately needed which is not covered by insurance,” explained her family members in mid-July.

The page reached about $60,000 before it was taken down - thanks to an 'angel donor' who had heard about the expenses, and decided to pay for her medical treatment for the remainder of her life.

Some are saying the donor was Oprah Winfrey, a big fan of 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show' and its' cast. Yet Oprah is the one everyone guesses whenever there's a huge donation, such as this one for Harper.

Others are saying it's Julie Kavner , her costar on 'Rhoda' (1974-78) and now star of 'The Simpsons' for the past 30 years. Kavner, a very reclusive Hollywood celebrity for the past 45 years, has been quiet about Harper's death. No public sentiment has come forward by her. But sources are saying this is something Kavner would indeed do - and the two had remained friends since 'Rhoda' went off the air in 1978.

Incidentally, Harper was laid to rest at LA's "Forest Lawn Cemetery" on Saturday, September 7 - which was Kavner's 69th Birthday.


You are living in a fantasy world if you think it was Kavner. She harbored tremendous resentment about being
typecast as "Brenda" for many years after "Rhoda." She made NO public statement about Harper's cancer battle
in all these years, and didn't make a public comment about Harper's death. She didn't
attend the LA-based funeral. Zip.

Kavner divorced herself from her early star-making role decades ago. I don't think she
had ill feelings towards Harper, I just don't believe the two were close. There's no
evidence to support it.


She harbored tremendous resentment about being
typecast as "Brenda" for many years after "Rhoda."


BTW, none of her former costars from either TV show attended her funeral, from what's been reported. White, Leachman, Macloed, Asner, Bateman, etc. - no one attended. (Nor did any of them, including Harper, attend MTM's funeral in CT).


Kavner herself stated she was tired of being offered "Brenda" type roles after Rhoda.

White, Leachman, Macloed, Asner, Bateman didn't attend Harper's funeral EITHER. Because, like Kavner, they weren't
that close. But at least the aforementioned, unlike Kavner, made statements supporting Harper.


Do you have any proof at all of what you're stating above? I doubt it.


The "proof" is in Kavner's imdb comments section (regarding the "Brenda" type roles).

The "proof" of Kavner's not attending the funeral or making any public comments about Harper's illness and
death lies in the fact she did not attend or comment!

Get it yet?


The "proof" is in Kavner's imdb comments section (regarding the "Brenda" type roles).

Not sure what you're reading. Here are the comments in Kavner's imdb section (7 quotes):

"When I was trying to come up with the voices for Patty and Selma I asked Jim Brooks what he wanted and he said, "They suck the joy out of everything"."

"I sound New York. I sound East Coast much more than a blonde person from L.A."

"I was brought up not to be selfish or self-centered. So if you play somebody who isn't so lovable, you can play that person and no one will turn on you. I don't want to play that person in real life. Because then people won't like me so much."

"Don't ask me about Beverly Hills High School. Everybody hated it. I hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it."

"I'm very, very private; I don't enjoy talking about myself to strangers. Particularly strangers with tapes going."

"I have had friends for years who have never seen my house."

"That's the joy of acting--you get to play people who are not you; you get to explore the dark, hidden sides of yourself."

There 'ya go - not a mention of 'tired of being offered 'Brenda' type roles', not a mention of Brenda or her time on 'Rhoda' at all. So you've offered zero proof.

As far as her not going to Harper's funeral, or not making public comments while Harper was ill - read her quote about being a 'very, very private '. A private person won't show sentiment publicly, but they will remain anonymous as an 'angel donor' and let their anonymous actions speak louder than public words.

Get it yet?


If it's THAT important to you to fantasize that Harper and Kavner were close (they weren't) and that
Kavner was Harper's "angel", have at it.

You need to take up gold, or something.


You have such a humble way of accepting defeat.
