MovieChat Forums > Christopher Walken Discussion > What do you love most about Christopher ...

What do you love most about Christopher Walken?

Hands down, his classic dance moves! 


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His mannerism and the way he talks.


His uniqueness. There is no one like him. There are no "Christopher Walken" types.


I could sit and listen to him talk for hours. I just think he is awesome at anything he does. I do love to see him dance.


Talented and unique actor!
Just uploaded a new C.Walken tribute...hope you all enjoy..HD!

*All Hail the Bale*


Pretty much everything. He's funny. He can dance. He has PRESENCE! He is clearly intelligent in several ways, particularly in emotional intelligence. He doesn't take himself seriously. His scenes with Dennis Hopper in True Romance, with the kid playing a young Bruce Willis's character in Pulp Fiction, and the Russian Roulette scene in The Deer Hunter meet Alfred Hitchcock's criteria for A Great Scene on all possible levels, and there aren't a lot of actors of whom that can be said; and that's just off the top of my head. Plus, he is so fucking cool. I love The fucking King of New York. Walken's presence made up for David Caruso being in the movie.

Christopher Walken fucking ROCKS 🔥🌈☄️🥃🥊🎸
