MovieChat Forums > Robin Tunney Discussion > Ms. Tunney, take heed!

Ms. Tunney, take heed!

For you are on your way up!!
Ms. T. is extremely under rated and under exposed! I LOVE her character in 'Niagara Niagara'. I can't even imagine anyone else playing that part.
Now, there have been some so-so parts,"Open Window","Paparazzi" being two, that I didn't particularly care for. I just don't think she's convincing as a victim. She's much better at being a strong young woman, even in the face of such illnesses and dissocial disorders. I like her role as Lisbon, too, in The Mentalist. She's not trying to play the cutesy little lady cop that can be tough. She IS tough.You go Robin! And please give Simon Baker a kiss from me!

I'm a people person,just not a stupid people person."Knowies" should already know this.


I'll definitely look out for it for her sake. On other matters, what kind of film should she partake in next? Oh, BTW-have you seen "Open Window"? I have not, but would love to.

There Is A Light That Never Goes Out.
