MovieChat Forums > Neil Patrick Harris Discussion > I cringed when he said "We are pregnant"...

I cringed when he said "We are pregnant"... UGH!

I like NPH, but it gave me douche-chills when he talked about having a child through a surrogate mother, and he said "we are pregnant". First of all, you are NOT pregnant, the surrogate mother is. And second, why not adopt a kid who has been abandoned rather than finding a surrogate mother. Just accept the fact that gay men can't naturally conceive, and if you want to raise a family think about all the children around the world who are just waiting to be adopted.


If I was gay and wanted kids I wouldn't just adopt one that was already born either. I'm sure there are a lot of kids that need to be adopted but the reality is there are also a lot of kids that are defective because the mother didn't do the right things when she was pregnant or because they abused the kid when it was born. I'll feel sorry for a fucked up kid, but I wouldn't want one if I could use a surrogate and have a chance at a normal kid. I've known too many people that did adopt and probably half of them had defective kids. One of the worst was little girls that was apparently sexually abused when she was very little and has to have someone watch over her all the time when she is around other kids because she will attack them in very bad ways. How knows how many will find that their adopted kid suffers from fetal alcohol syndrome though because it wont show up when they are really little only as they get closer to puberty... but if it rears its head then you've a got a little time bomb in your house.
