MovieChat Forums > Woody Harrelson Discussion > Matthew McConaughey could be his half br...

Matthew McConaughey could be his half brother!

Woody Harrelson's hitman father could be Matthew's as well!


They were both in EdTV


Still never seen that film!


Wish I could say you were missing out but I can't. I saw it on a plane on the way to see my sweetheart many many years ago and enjoyed it. I tried to rewatch it recently and I had to drop out not far into it. If you're in love then maybe you'll like it, but if you're like me who at this point is disillusioned with 'love' and the other sex as it is today then I recommend you skip it. God bless


I can understand being disillusioned if you're single today. And I'm absolutely glad I wasn't born in any generation following the one I was born in....

As to the film, I always just saw it as being a Truman Show clone (may be totally way off on that), a bit like that Deep Impact Vs Armageddon thing. So that was my only reason for skipping it - glad to hear I didn't really miss anything!
