MovieChat Forums > Mark Hamill Discussion > He charged $100.00 for his autograph

He charged $100.00 for his autograph

at the comic con.

even some of the greatest actors during his time didnt charge that much.

Edward James Olmos Charged $50.00
Leonard Nimoy Charged $60.00

Come on Mark your a cool guy and everything but $100???


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I would Pay it, He worth twice of E J O

Row well and Live,41


I personally wouldn't pay anything for an autograph or even care to stay in line to get one for free, but if other people are willing to pay for it, that's fine. Maybe the lines would otherwise be too long. I mean, he was the lead in Star Wars and the voice of the Joker and those conventions are visited by thousands of geeks. Imagine how long the line would be if he charged $50.00 instead of $100.00.


It's not unheard of, concidering how a lot of the "fans" sell the autographs later. I think it's worth it. I'm not sure I would have payed it personally, but it's one of the best collector items and you get a couple of seconds of their busy lives.


man he sounds like a real loser now. hes a pure has been


im surprised they charge at all. i never heard of such a thing! i would think they just get a percentage of the proceeds of the event.


People resell them on ebay etc for much more. Don't you charge for your work?


That's not the point though. You get someone's autograph because you appreciate their work and wan't it as memorabilia for yourself. Selling it on Ebay is just as low as a celebrity charging for an autograph.

Maybe if you low-lifes stopped selling autograph's, Celebrity's wouldn't be charging for them.
