MovieChat Forums > Mark Hamill Discussion > Mark Hamill's a Grandfather!!!

Mark Hamill's a Grandfather!!!

His granddaughter, Autumn:

Unfortunately, the Hamill family does not want her. They (Nathan, Mark and Marilou) tried to coerce Autumn's mother to get her aborted. :'(


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So sad, Autumn is a beautiful baby girl and quite frankly very lucky to be alive.

Nathan Hamill is obviously an immature total drop kick if as a late 30s year old man cant be bothered to use condoms, practice safe sex with a porno actress of all things. I mean look at Charlie Sheen and hooker's he now has HIV.

In any case Nathan should be a bloody man and accept his child, he doesn't have to with the mother if he has no desire t be involved but for the baby's sake yes..

His parent's Mark Hamill and wife Marilou should be ashamed and disgusted to disown this innocent baby to their son who is adult enough to stick his dick in a porno actress but not adult enough to practice safe sex or own up to a child.

Clearly he hasn't done much growing up and clearly hes a man child and not a man of his own.

The Hamill's should have just stayed out of it and said to Nathan, "Pay the consequences for your actions, own it and take responsibility". Not our problem kid all sex comes with the potential to becoming a parent. Otherwise get the male snip and shoot blancks, simple.

If Mark think's his son is too immature at 37 and not ready then Nathan must be retarded or slow or something.

37 is pretty old and up there for being a father and if he aint grown up enough, responsible or mature then his parent's really stuffed him up and over spoiled him.

You really don't become an adult or into your own until at least age 30, s Nathan must be a real douche that cant get it together.


Nothing is as it seems, nothing is just one thing and nothing is ever just over there;


I'm happy for Luke Skywalker himself becoming a grandfather.

Avenged Sevenfold ships Fluttershy and Discord


I think this is none of our business. You don't know exactly what happened, for all you know she could have been trying to trap Nathan. I just watched Mark Hamill's Q&A at the Oxford Union on Youtube and he seems like a great guy, genuine and engaging. I've always liked him and gotten a good vibe from him but recently I've come to like him more than ever, he sets one of the best of examples of how to be a sci-fi star. So I don't think it's fair to judge him based on scurrilous little articles like this.


Our business or not or the mother trying to trap Nathan now are irrelevant because 5-6 years ago a little girl was born who needs to know who her whole family is. The Hamill's should order a DNA test for certainty and if she is theirs start acting like grandparents(Mark's an actor for heavens sake) before she gets any older.



A wise man once said,

Why the fuck do humans kill babies?
