I found out today that the petition on was started by The ChamCham (note how that was written).

Guess what, I didn't start the petition and neither did anyone close to me. I thought you should know that. Apparently, whoever did either didn't want the "credit" or thought it would be "funny" to place the "blame" on someone else.

A dead giveaway that I had nothing to do with it was the fact that there wasn't a thread posted here about the petition, especially by me. I wish someone had, because it took me a week to find out.

In case you're wondering how I feel about the petition...I am deeply insulted that anyone would think that :

1) It was flattering.

2) It was warranted.

3) That it would accomplish your misplaced "goal".

Brendan IS working. When and where he wants to at the present time.

Apparently, the interviews were a mistake too. All they did was breed more rumors, unwanted speculation, more insulting comments (that only IMDb has the class to delete). There are a worrisome amount of armchair "doctors", "psychiatrists", "body language experts" and plain old "know-it-alls" out there. And guess what ? None of you have a !%$$#&% clue.
You aren't even close !

There were other places I could have posted this but since this was my "birthplace", I chose to post it here. Feel free to pass it on.



Same here AussieGirl. I'm really disappointed in their discision.
But we've had fun, haven't we?

All the best........
