MovieChat Forums > Carrie Fisher Discussion > It was proberbly call the Coca Cola she ...

It was proberbly call the Coca Cola she drank that killed her

and I'm not being funny , she drank 16 cans a day for many years, all that sugar and crap in the system would rot her insides, I read in the news of a man that had to have a bypass cause of the damage sugared drinks did to his heart.


That's interesting..If its true about her Cola intake you might be right. I knew someone whose sister dropped dead very young about 35 (think of a heart attack too) and remember he told me he was blaming it on the huge amount of (full sugar) Cola she drank a day.. something crazy that I couldn't believe like 2 litres a day which is about what a person should drink daily in water so could well be she drank cola instead of water (he said shed get crates of those massive 2L bottles so maybe one of those a day) said she was addicted to it almost like a drug (the caffeine, the sugar intake)

I'd have thought if CF did drink a huge amount of Cola daily it'd have been Diet Coke or Zero or whatever it is now but maybe she didn't (nothing tastes as good as the full sugar stuff.. I know the rare occasions I have a can of coke I want the real full sugar red label stuff ice cold. Not the sugar free saccharine tasting stuff).
