MovieChat Forums > Willem Dafoe Discussion > Willem Dafoe should play The Joker

Willem Dafoe should play The Joker

Willem is amazing in this 2013 9 mins short film "The Smile Man"
He'd be the best Joker ever. He is very close to the Arkham Joker and to Mark Hamill's Joker + he looks and acts like Conrad Veidt (who's character in the film "The Man who Laughs" 1928 was the inspiration for the Joker).


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Agreed. He would have been my #1 pick to play The Joker. I guess the closest he'll get to ever playing the part is The Green Goblin in the Spider-Man films, who, to be fair, is kind of like Marvel's version of The Joker.


He's been fancast as the Clown Prince of Crime since the late 80’s. He will actually be in DC movies as … Vulko, Atlantis’s top scientist? I’m getting flashbacks to when Krusty was rejected for the evil clown role in the Radioactive Man film but cast as a pirate.

I'm almost clever!


Dafoe would make an amazing Joker, but it’s too late at this point. He’s probably too old, plus The Joker has been exhausted to death at this point. 20 years ago or even 10 years ago he would’ve been perfect. I just don’t see how he could get the role now.
