MovieChat Forums > Sean Bean Discussion > Which TV movie did he play a teacher?

Which TV movie did he play a teacher?

I'm sure I saw Sean Bean in a TV movie in the UK where he played a teacher. This must have been around late 80s/early 90s, but none of the listed titles look familiar. As I recall, he wore glasses and was accused of beating on a pupil. Any help?


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He plays a teacher in Accused, but somehow I don't think that's the movie you're thinking of.


My Kingdom for a Horse


Thanks both for answering. I think this is the one. My Kingdom For A Horse. I saw a still elsewhere and it looks familiar, although none of the synopses mention the beating on the pupil, which I thought was central to the drama.. oh well... now to go find it.


He also played a teacher (albeit a convicted one) in the TV prison series Time
