MovieChat Forums > Alec Baldwin Discussion > If Colombo was real..

If Colombo was real..

..this would make for a very intricate case

In fact the whole incident feels very 'Columbo' and think there were a couple of episodes that had a similar scenario (e.g. the 70s Shatner one where he was playing a tv detective)


That's my favorite episode, btw. Shatner/Lucerne acted too guilty though.


i rewatched the ep just the other night.. in the end Columbo deduces Shatners character actually switched the blanks for real bullets in a prop gun!


Funny I thought the same thing when OJ's ex was murdered. Their initial claim was he was out of town, but Ive seen enough Colombo to know killing off your wife and hopping on a flight out of town has been down before


If this was Columbo then it'd be Baldwin the faded movie star loaded the gun himself with the bullet to deliberately shoot the cinematographer, then it all gets confused. no one knows who to blame. Surely its the armourer? and the guy handed the gun to AB? ,it cant be AB. he just shot her right?

Why would AB deliberately shoot the woman? all kinds of reasons..
