I'm In Love...

I have always liked her a lot but I just came back from watching Jones, and I was struck. I don't know why but I thought she was adorable! I love her face and I guess always have and didn't know it.

I'm only three years older than you Renee, am a humanitarian, live in Philly, people think I'm in my 30s, and I'm super fit.

PM me Renee and let's turn life around!



On a fun side note:

I was in NYC this weekend and ran into a girl from Texas who looked VERY much like Renee! She was there to see the Rangers hockey game and I was visiting people. I saw her in a bar, she saw me, we were instantly drawn to each other!

I went over and told her she looked like Bridget Jones, and she loved it. We ended up talking for a couple of hours and it was great. Sadly, she lives in Texas and I live in PA, but there's Facebook. Meanwhile, I have no idea how to proceed with that!

She works in the high end pool cue industry and I was like "WTF!" because I didn't know that existed. And she was very fun to be around.

Anyway, it was like a weird proof of concept! A Renee clone instantly liked me and we hit it off! It was like some kind of dream.

Of course a real dream come true would be if this girl would move to Philadelphia!!

Once again though, mental health comes into play and I have to kill my hopes before they take me over. We can't have hope actually win you know.
