I'm In Love...

I have always liked her a lot but I just came back from watching Jones, and I was struck. I don't know why but I thought she was adorable! I love her face and I guess always have and didn't know it.

I'm only three years older than you Renee, am a humanitarian, live in Philly, people think I'm in my 30s, and I'm super fit.

PM me Renee and let's turn life around!



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Thus far...

Renee has not contacted me.

Listen, the reason you're unhappy is because you have dated these Hollywood model types and people with too much access to women. You are uniquely beautiful and most men want cookie cutter media driven definitions of an attractive women. A singer, a movie star, etc know they are that and so they want a "brand name" type of girl, not a uniquely adorable one. So, you will always get cheated on with guys like that because they can't see what you are and what they have.

They will cheat on you with some typical cheerleader they meet and that will just be based on appearance. So, unfortunately you picked guys, maybe in a shallow manner, and they cheated on you, or mistreated you, whatever, because they are shallow.

So, in order to find happiness you need to find a man who thinks you're adorable and a unique find. That will make him bond to you and not cheat because there is no other girl like you.

That's what I think, and I'll bet I'm right.

On a side note, I've worked in psychology my whole life in Philly mostly. I vowed to work with poor people and continue to do so. I've heard you talk about stuff like that on talk shows and it seems you admire it. So, do you REALLY like dudes who pretend to be other people and heroes in movies, or do you like real men who are actually heroes helping the unfortunate?

Who's a better man?

Also, I love girls who are a little chubby, so they is no need to worry about such issues with me. It pains me to think you have to worry.

Amusingly, I'm not even joking.


She's not chubby, but you do make a good point about getting dumped for a more accepted type. Look who Bradly Cooper is with! very young model, Irina Shayk.


I'm kidding/serious.

When watching her latest movie I was so attracted to her and I never am. I love movies but don't care about actors much. I'd love it if there were all CGI actors so I never had to hear about personal lives.

But, I'm a sensitive person and felt something for her. I watched so interviews and I've been working in psych for a long time and sensed she's not happy, and it's getting worse. Then, I looked up her love life and think I understand.

I knew a really rich female doctor who looked sad or nervous, when I was younger, and wonder what the hell could be wrong. I noted she had a nice house, traveled, had a great car, had so much money she would forget how much, but she was still sad. I concluded that it had to be her love life, and I was correct! After that, I knew a bunch of other women just like that and it was always the love life.

I think my analysis of Renee is on target. So, I wrote my posts to get it out of my system, but also in case she was reading. I would know just what to do to perk her up!

I doubt that will happen of course, but I had fun writing it!

Anyway, a girl like her would love a guy like me. But, she is caught up in a strange world that has benefited her a lot, and will keep her there, but at the same time I think exposes her to bad people who look pretty.

She seems like a nice girl and that's sad.


Well, most girls in showbiz aren't jewish.

One can only speculate why that's the case. However, I have noticed that Hollywood likes to set girls up for a fall. It's usually age that suddenly makes the people that run Hollywood pounce on girls.

She has been doing pretty well for her age and so she must being doing something right. I initially agreed about the plastic surgery because I always loved her eye shape. But, somehow it seems back to normal.

Whatever the case, I think she has gotten more beautiful and I wish I could tell her that. I get the impression she's not a happy girl and that makes me sad.

As you've indicated, I agree that there's many creepy people in Hollywood and nice girls aren't safe there. However, it's not just the bizarre mideast cult that runs the show, but also actors, makeup people, and probably even exercise and nutrition people. I'll bet almost 100% of these people always promote a f@cked up point of view. Then, you have a good girl get so confused she started to wonder if it's her as opposed to them.


I have always loved Renee too. I guess the way she looks attracts me. She is beautiful, her eyes and looks are beautiful and sexy. She is also very famous my friend, it would be a miracle to get a PM from Renee, wouldn't it? :)

Beylikdüzü psikolog http://beylikduzupsikolog.org/ Beylikdüzü Evlilik Terapisti ve Çift Terapisi.


I love her face and demeanor as well.

Meanwhile, I have a very unique life and wouldn't be surprised if anything happened no matter how unusual. If she knew me and saw me I'll bet she would like me!

My first love was a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model, before she was one. And, one time I was on the train to NYC and saw a major news person. I'm fearless, with no ulterior motives, and decided to talk to her. I'm an intelligent guy and she loved it!

I doubt a normal guy like me actually ever talks to these girls and I'm sure they are tickled. Plus, as opposed to actors, I've had a real life of adventure in forensic psych. So, I have real stories and confidence from doing that work, not fake actor confidence. On top of that I'm very fit and don't have substance abuse issues or any type of perverse inclinations.

Anyway, the newswoman asked me to her network christmas party but I was going to NYC from Philly to visit a girl. Like an idiot I turned her down. I ended up with the NYC girl for a long time and she wasn't very loving in spite of all my efforts.

That's what happens!
