MovieChat Forums > John Travolta Discussion > I could see another comeback happening

I could see another comeback happening

Guys a damn talented actor and has been for many years I could care less if the media says its trendy to rag on him. I form my own opinions and don't need the media to tell me who I need to hate to be "cool". With that said I see john having yet another mini comeback. He's doing a western with ethan hawke directed by the talented ti west. Then he's in a film with jackie earle haley and michael pitt also directed by jackie. Last but not least american crime story which i could see some emmy love coming his way for that. Nice to see him continuing to kick ass after all these years.


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Totally agree with you, he's really talented! I really hope he can make a comeback. And the media has to stop the bullsh.. Really happy to find someone else that thinks the same! 


I don't think he can arrange a comeback. A lot of hotel spas won't let him come back after his hands-on behavior.


Maybe he could play a cancer patient.
