MovieChat Forums > Oliver Stone Discussion > Nazi supporter. Has been kissing putins ...

Nazi supporter. Has been kissing putins ass for many years now

Oliver Stone: ‘Putin is a great leader for his country’

The last time the Guardian US profiled Stone, he had just completed a strangely sympathetic 4 hour-long documentary about Vladimir Putin (at the time he said “the Russian people have never been better off”). Have his feelings about the Russian leader changed in the especially troubling years since? “I think Russia is doing a great job with nuclear energy,” he says after a moment’s thought. “China is also a leader in that field, although I never was able to penetrate into China, which was a shame for the movie I wish we had. But Putin is a great leader for his country and the people love him.” And that is as far as he is willing to go. He’s gone far enough already

Apart from Stone being nazi and terrorists supporter - keep in mind that russia is very and very poor. Millions upon millions live beyond poverty line in there. Despite putin receiving so many money from oil and gas - it all goes into hands of his oligarchs, officials like mayors and governors, and to few big cities. Its been like only few percent of entire population.

Outside of that small circuit people live extremely poor, dont have toilets and gas inside their homes and shit in a wooden booth with hole outside their house. Even people who live in few floors buildings.

Thats why every russian wants to relocate to moscow and live there. Because thats the only place with money in russia. Men from villages and small towns go to army and fight into Ukraine knowing they will probably die because army is the only income they can get in their poor cities/villages. There is no job and extreme poverty and hopelessness. People drink themselves to oblivion out of despair.

Stone, being the idiot he is of course dont know anything of that. He just comes to moscow, lives in fancy hotel and thinks russia is doing fine and "putin does great job"....
