MovieChat Forums > Winona Ryder Discussion > How is this stunning talented woman not ...

How is this stunning talented woman not in more things?

How is that even possible?

I've been in love with her since I was a kid and I saw her in that god aweful Dracula movie but she wasn't bad in a frame. Everything you see her in she gives her 100%. How is this stunning talented woman not in more things?


Batman is who I am, Superman is who I want to be!


Actually, it was Winona herself who reached the studio because she was interested in Snow White (and so did Angelina Jolie for that matter), and not the other way around.

Can you post a link or mention the source where you got this from? I just don't believe Winona would personally approach a studio to get cast in a potentially bad film. The studio would have never cast her in that role anyway. They needed a bigger name.
