MovieChat Forums > Anthony Hopkins Discussion > It's obvious this guy has a HUGE chip on...

It's obvious this guy has a HUGE chip on his shoulder about..

Well, alot of things actually but mostly about not making a success of it of whilst in the UK, so he ran off to America where the usual trick of a British accent fooled them all into thinking he was something special, the sense of self entitlement is palpable,more of a case of 'how dare those horrid English not recognise my talent', I'm off.

He also seems to blame his time in London for his alcoholism, sorry but that sort of thing comes from within, using his failure to set the world alight in London and drinking himself into oblivion is just a weak excuse.

He said 'the English lack heart', that right there is all you need to know in order to tell where this man is coming from, the usual Celtic fringe disdain for the English, most prevalent in the Irish & Scot's, but also there in the Welsh when pushed.

They just cannot get over the history, using it as justification for their hate.

All in all, not a very nice person to know I'd imagine.


I agree he is a obnoxious tool, I was at one of his movies set once and he was shouting about how bad the lunch was all of a sudden he spoted me and asked me to come close, closer please! and then he asked me to run to his van and bring him a liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti and shouted GO NOW!
