MovieChat Forums > Whoopi Goldberg Discussion > Shocking that she's done so much drugs i...

Shocking that she's done so much drugs in her life!

I know a lot of you will want to make a joke of this and say that her drug use explains a lot about her or some such thing, but me, when I learned that she had been a coke and heroin addict during her heyday, I was shocked! I'm not sure even if she's fully clean now either, all I know is that in learning about her, she was bad into drugs for a while...

What shocks me about this is that she seems far too mature and wise to ever have that problem. I mean, have you ever watched her "Back on Broadway" HBO special? It's genius, especially the love-story monologue, and SHE wrote it all!

Finding out that she's done drugs and has been an addict is like finding out that Oprah is really a punk rocker and not the demur lady she presents herself to be. I mean, it just doesn't fit!


That's how good an actress she is. She can fake being wise and understanding, or funny, but that's not who she is in reality.

If she truly was wise and intelligent, she wouldn't have done those drugs in the first place. She's also had at least 7-9 abortions throughout her adult life. I'm amazed she hasn't been diagnosed with breast cancer yet.


You mean abortions can cause breast cancer?

I do agree that if she were really smart, she wouldn't have done that stuff. But maybe she has learned from most of it by now. I read that one of her View co-hosts says that she is the most generous gift-giver of the bunch and the most likely to pick up the check. I really admire that in a person, cause it's not easy to be so generous in this world. So, along with all her flaws, there are things about her that I really admire too. She's a bit of a contradiction. She reminds me a lot of my love Joan Jett.


Every time a woman has an abortion, her risk of breast cancer goes up 35%. That's because whenever a woman gets pregnant, the cells in her mammary glands start dividing, thinking it's time to start getting ready for milk production. Removing the baby interrupts this process, and sometimes, rather than slowly stopping the cell division, it gets messed up and keeps on going, forming cancerous nodes in the breast tissue.

It's one reason I stopped supporting the Breast Cancer foundation, because they support Planned Parenthood. Those sick monsters love getting more business from women who get breast cancer as a result of their abortions. I doubt they are even searching for a real cure, they're just collecting money to get rich.


Wow, thanks for that info. I never knew this (though it makes sense). I wonder if Whoopi knows this?
Yet another reason to be pro-life and support abstinence until marriage. Whoopi's movie "Boys on the Side" (1995) makes that last point crystal-clear and thus it was hard to totally sympathize with Mary Loise Parker's character, cause she was not careful and smart, and her death was completely avoidable. Of course I felt bad for her, and the guy who gave her AIDS should have to pay, but really there's no excuse for getting that disease most of the time.


Whoopie's changed a lot since she stepped back from acting. I'm guessing the Hollywood Bubble corrupted her along with everyone else within that sphere and it shows with her time on "The View." (I personally call it "The Coven," considering what kind of women are on it).

At least you understand how to do it the right way. Too many girls today wanta just jump into bed with a guy to try and impress him or hook up with him, putting themselves a risk with an attitude like "Oh, it won't happen to me!" And look how they end up.
