Can't stand him

He's always making himself look like a victim and that he accomplishes things while with Parkinson's.

I mean you have celebrities with cancer and the more serious diseases.

He's hungry for fame when he doesn't have it anymore.

You look at the late Dennis Hopper and his battle through his days. He never once cared to make a spectacle of himself. And he went through mucho much worse. Rest his soul.

Fox just seems like he wants to make himself look like an American hero and a

Yeah it is a serious disease, but he wants more publicity for himself rather than first helping others.

Can't stand him and his wife Tracey too is similar to him.

Fox is just despicable


Of the two mentioned, one is a far better actor, and here's a hint, this ones not alive. I grew up on family ties, back to the future, love Michael J! After his support of Obozo I didn't care too much for him. It's not that he's supporting a lefty communist who's destroyed much of the United States in too many ways to list, many actors have, but it's only the ones who are in need of attention like the original poster said.
