MovieChat Forums > Robert De Niro Discussion > Fortunately his acting is far superior t...

Fortunately his acting is far superior to his political analyses...

Great actor!! The Deer Hunter!! Raging Bull!! Taxi Driver!!! The guy is awesome. My fav!! IMHO he's ahead of Pacino, Bale, and all the other biggies!! But his commentary on our political system SUCKS!! He should simply STFU, and stick to acting!! Hearing the words of OTHERS coming out of his mouth works!! Hearing his own words is nothing short of bull $#$& !! Stick to what you know, De Niro!!


Well all these whiners complaining about Trump and the outrage towards illegals are showing themselves to actually be racist.

They don't really want to help Mexicans, they just want others to help, not them. I mean the freaking morons sitting up in their sanctuary states/schools/cities they need to live on the border. They need to experience what is like there. HAVE FUN. So easy to say sure let them in when they live far away. NO wonder the cost of living in certain areas is SO high. It has to be.

I couldn't say much about Canada. Sadly not visited there, even though it is my Northern neighbor. LOL.
Well I cannot say much about Smith either, but in all fairness Belushi was just a drug addict. He helped kill himself.

((Damn the remakes, Save the originals.))
