MovieChat Forums > Claire Danes Discussion > Why didn't Claire Danes become more of a...

Why didn't Claire Danes become more of a major movie star in her 20s and 30s?

I'm watching My So-Called Life now and everyone remarks about how talented she was at an early age. I know one of her most prominent early adult roles, Brokedown Palace (1999), bombed, and then her mid-2000s filmography is quite sparse. I remember seeing her in Stardust (2007) and a couple smaller films, but it seems like she ended up on the B-list rather than the A-list. Of course she rocketed back to TV stardom with Homeland...


Why is it people on here have this opinion every actor wants to be A list?

They don't.

A large % enjoy what they do it's not about fame.

Others do it for pay cheque so will take whatever work comes up.

Another thing a large % of younger actors for numerous reasons end up not really liking the business when they become older.
