Ronnie Kray

Well known real life Gay Gangster in the UK in 60's London (with his twin brother). He would ask his underlings to say how beautiful his latest boyfriend was and if they laughed or did not support him he would get them beaten up etc. A big tough Gay Gangster.

I can see Black becoming like Ronnie


You're wrong. Black didn't have a boyfriend, unlike Ronnie Kray. Black suppressed his sexuality, so much so that he never touched anyone again after he was beaten up for being a 'faggot'.

BTW Have you seen 'Villain' (1971) with Richard Burton playing a character based on Ronnie Kray? Great underrated film it is.


Nah, have not seen that, but thanks for the tip.

I mean in the future I can see Black becoming like Ronnie.


Sorry but again I don't agree. Clearly he's going to change his life, hence the final scene of 'Little' bathing in blue moonlight.
