MovieChat Forums > Current Shows > Rate these shows

Rate these shows

1. Black Sails

2. Beowulf - Return To The Shieldlands

3. Colony

4. GoT

5. Gotham

6. Wayward Pines

7. Hell On Wheels

8. The Big Bang Theory

9. Daredevil

10. Arrow


1. Black Sails 9/10

2. Beowulf - Return To The Shieldlands ns

3. Colony 7/10

4. GoT 10/10

5. Gotham 4/10

6. Wayward Pines 6/10

7. Hell On Wheels 7/10

8. The Big Bang Theory ns

9. Daredevil 9/10

10. Arrow ns



Haven't watched them all, but I'll give it a go.

4. GoT 10/10.

5. Gotham 5/10
Its just boring. I may give season 2 a go because I like the batman universe.

6. Wayward Pines 7/10
A lot better than I expected and a few surprising twists.

8. The Big Bang Theory. 7/10. Its smart characters made for a dumb audience, but I like it.

9. Daredevil 9/10. Haven't watched season 2 yet, but 1 was amazing.

10. Arrow 7/10

If you considering watching Arrow I would also recommend Flash. There's some great crossovers. Comparing Season 2 of Flash and season 4 of Arrow, Flash is a lot better atm.


I've watched Arrow and I don't like it and I kind'a followed the first season of Flash to the end but that's about it.


1. Black Sails - Great, recommend

2. Beowulf - Return To The Shieldlands - 5.8, enough said

3. Colony - Tried, pass

4. GoT - Great, recommend

5. Gotham - Good

6. Wayward Pines - Havent seen it

7. Hell On Wheels - Great, recommend

8. The Big Bang Theory - No interest

9. Daredevil - ok

10. Arrow - Tried, pass

Network Television: There's a reason why its free


1. Black Sails - 8

2. Beowulf - Return To The Shieldlands - 6

3. Colony - 8

4. GoT - 9

5. Gotham - 7

6. Wayward Pines - 6

7. Hell On Wheels - 6 (first 2 seasons were an 8)

8. The Big Bang Theory - 7

9. Daredevil - 9

10. Arrow - 8

No Sitcoms! No Sports! No Reality!


You should definitely see the "Black Sails". It's just as good as GOT.


GoT - If you like movie quality tv this is a must watch.

Gotham - To each their own, but I like it.

Wayward Pines - Not a fan.

Hell On Wheels - I am addicted to that show.I can't wait for the new season.

The Big Bang Theory - I liked it when some of the guys weren't married. Now I have stopped watching.

I have Daredevil on my watchlist.


An interesting list. The only one I've seen is The Big Bang Theory. It's slowly going downhill, but then it has been 10 years.

"Ten years? Ten.......YEARS!!"

