MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > COVID Killed Our Local Coffeeshop, But.....

COVID Killed Our Local Coffeeshop, But...

It's a really nice place. Half of it is a coffeeshop, and in the back, there's a stage and seating. They used to have Open Mic Nights on the last Thursday of the month, which would also appear on Channel 17 (Public Access) and a really cool place right by my house, not too far from Downtown.

After COVID, it would open up, then close up (no business, I reckon). I've kept my eye out for events, or any news and see nothing but the hours, which are pretty sorry.. 10-2, 3 days a week.

Anyway, for a while, I've thought how much of a pity it is for it to be discarded, and planning to go there when they open on Friday and ask the owner if he'd ever consider using it for a sound studio, for music, or whatever. I haven't sat down and come up with figures, pricing, or the details, but receptive to any ideas you might know that happens in your area. There's a lot of musicians who might want to upload something "professional" onto YouTube, etc., or voice-over, and I have the equipment, but I'm just thinking of the many different ways, or possibly additional ideas, such as a place to film some short (or long) movies, anything artistic...... The main reason I haven't done so already is my suspicion the place is so bad they're open for 12 hours a week just to be above water, but that's another angle of mine, that I'd be willing to receive a portion of profits, whatever. I've been in business before, but I'd be willing to try.


For what it's worth, government policy and cowardice killed that coffeeshop, not Covid.
