MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > "Uncircumcised" is a DISCRIMINATORY HATE...

"Uncircumcised" is a DISCRIMINATORY HATEFUL Word!!!

Circumcision is the mutilation of ones dick. There is no such thing as "uncircumcised", this is a fake propaganda word made up to put down natural God given unmutilated penises. The POLITICALLY CORRECT term for this is "Natural Penis" or "Normal Penis"


Why do you care so much? Get a life!


I was bullied as a kid by McMuricans for being natural and now troll the mutilated as revenge 🏴‍☠️


I don't belive you. The usual complaint is that girls find it disgusting--have you had that experience?


No, girls have complimented the performance of the way it works, it was only in my early puberty days of around 13 were I was self conscious about it because of all the bullying. People would call me anteater and smegmahead. It scared me at that age I was the weird one but I hold no hard feelings towards them. They were the real victims and where only taking there trauma out on me. I was the one with a happy first day on this planet. My mother saved me from the evil big pharma shill doctor that came into that room that day with my dickskin on his mind. Looking back I feel really bad for them and how they felt in the situation. Lots of times bullying and putting down others comes from being down yourself. I pity those fools...




Yeah right. Enjoy your dick cheese you non blow job getting mother fucker. BTW I'm uncircumcised too, so I know.

Signed, million man


Your not uncircumcised, nobody uncircumcised you, you are normal bud


What a dick post.


lmfao good one ☝️


i had to have it done for medical reasons


You poor thing. I told the doctor to go fuck herself. Lol

Signed, million man


i do have a funny story
