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Post You Created with the most number of Replies?

Any website included! So if you know of a post you created somewhere, perhaps in the distant past, please share its topic and how many replies it got...

On IMDB, I once made a post on The Simpsons Movie board titled 'Dental Plan!'. The other fans got the reference and each took turns in replying one way or other. I got 383 replies to my post. Then a mod froze it.


I posted some car thing on Reddit. My phone was beeping every 2 minutes for like 3 days. It got like 400+ likes and comments.

Signed, million man.


Reddit is great but not the book section where I spend the most amount of time there.


Yeah, one that was hot for years, until the board closed down. If I remembered, I'd go to WayBackMachine.... I posted quotes about Roger Waters and David Gilmour praising each other over the years (Pink Floyd and post-Pink Floyd), because I could see histrionics and just pure lies taking over, just like they did with The Doors, so I had to provide a lot of proof. But I wonder how much affect it had, anyway.

I remember having a conversation on this Doors site. Someone (one of the mods) said some bullshit. I said so by posting this video that refutes it. I checked the stats, and hardly anyone even checked. And those who did only listened to about 2 minutes out of 30, probably because it didn't gel with the fiction bullshit.


I commiserate, being a music fan myself. I prefer to stick to just the music, but I have known that pouring your heart in trying to prove (not your, but) A POINT, is often futile.


Maybe often futile, but what is the alternative? Especially if most of your tastes are almost unknown. It's also a way of "advertising".. If I see a great movie, I post it, hoping others will see it, for their enjoyment, but also something to talk about.
