MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Ever Have a Recurring Dream that Makes ...

Ever Have a Recurring Dream that Makes No Sense?

I'm prone to vivid dreams as a lot of people are. I can understand the recurring dream when it ties into a person's life, such as worrying about a job or a final exam, etc.

But for a number of years I've had a recurring dream about smoking. It's never exactly the same dream. But I'm always having a smoke and enjoying it. I just had one the other night. But the thing is, I don't smoke! I HATE cigarettes and I've never had any desire to smoke. Our parents smoked all the time and cigarettes were plentiful and available in the house if I chose to sneak a cigarette.

I truly hate them and I hate the smell of smoke. So why do I dream that I have a cigarette and enjoy it? If I had the money, I'd go to a psychologist to ask why!

Why would a person dream about enjoying something they hate in real life? Any ideas? And it's not a hidden desire of mine. I'm certainly old enough to buy a pack if I want to try smoking. But I never had the slightest desire. It's so puzzling. I have NO waking desire for a cigarette. But when I dream about smoking, it's relaxing and pleasant. It's crazy!



Gee thanks, that's a "great" thought! lol
I've actually been having this recurring dream for years so it's a slow moving cancer if it's true. I have no symptoms, no shortness of breath, no cough. My parents didn't die from cancer even though they both spent a lifetime smoking. My two sisters smoke like the proverbial chimney. If none of them have lung cancer then it would be a cruel twist of fate for ME to contract lung cancer.
