MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Envy (aka "The New Girlfriend") (1999).

Envy (aka "The New Girlfriend") (1999).

To those of us who have seen it, what are our opinions on this late 90s little seen controversial (at least in circles familiar with it) Australian drama/thriller and also, what, do you think, was meant to be the film's overall message and theme?

If you ask me, its nothing special but its a somewhat OK little film, maybe about a 6 out of 10 is what I will give it and I do own it on DVD and I am glad to have seen it.

And yes, it ALSO deals with that "gender reversal topic" in it but, I will leave it also up to you to watch the film and find out what happens later. In some aspects, you almost feel as if the mother might decide to kill that evil or otherwise guilty of a heinous wrong doing girlfriend of his, and she, and understandably so, does try to get the police involved but they fail completely.

And although one guy in the act doesn't actually do the deed himself, he does unfortunately act as a physical assistant to the assault perpetrated by the aforementioned character, but, and do watch the end as well, he ALSO proves to be an enemy and danger to him in OTHER ways.

In some ways, the movie is like an Aussie take on "Poison Ivy" movies and flicks like "Disclosure" (1994) but with young adults or late teens and it also predates films like the British very good "Eden Lake" (2008) by nearly a decade with its theme of 'youthful ruthlessness' instead of outright youthful INNOCENCE.

And even if for the basic similarities of male victim at the hands of female perpetrators, being directed by a female director and coming from Australia, it makes for an interesting double bill with Anna Kokkinos' "The Book of Revelation" (2006) though I actually like this one very slightly more although neither film is a masterpiece.


P.S. OK OK OK, it goes with saying, even if events were portrayed exactly as they are in this movie and not this or that other way, I, in lead male victim character's shoes, would still NOT want to go through something like this either. And well yeah I suppose I will have to get the police involved and help and whatnot. Though God forbid any of those events to happen to me and I can't even imagine also how MY mother would feel, oh God, shiver!!!

P.P.S. Is that poster in lead character's bedroom is of the Australian pop band SAVAGE GARDEN?


OK I imagine few if any of us have seen it, yes, no?

Also, gotta semi-appreciate the interesting fact that the female director's name of this movie is Julie MONEY (wow, interesting).

And its kind of interesting how a movie like this does try and deal with, at least in cinema, some unusual aspects of life's problems and how, also, minor spoilers, it doesn't even remotely end on a happy ending.

Also, with it even having a female villain or one who turns to dark sides - shudder and hide under the bed folks. I recommended this movie slightly to a few people but will wait and see if they decide to watch it and what they think of it.

It also involves the death of a dog, shades of "Cape Fear" (1991) in that sense but minus Robert De Niro's incredibly and aggressively creepy character with an unspoken supernatural like-demeanor.

If my stepdad even remotely suggested to my mother that I am anything but distressed over even that kind of incident, I WILL be angry at him and hold a grudge. Some people INCLUDING men, please stop being outright stereotypical and shallow like that.

Death in a swimming pool? Minor spoilers alerted. Did the cast and crew who made "Swimfan" (2002) also see this movie?

Did that young lady, besides facing legal consequences, especially after the ending, feel sorry about her deed? What about her male bastard partner in crime?

It involves dress stealing too. Oh well.
