MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Who'd Be a Movie Gas Station Attendent?

Who'd Be a Movie Gas Station Attendent?

Do those guys ever survive?

They're either eaten by aliens or zombies, or they're murdered by psycho killers (assuming they're not the psycho killer themselves).


When I was 13 I was a gas station attendant...$4.00 an hour and it got raised up to $4.25, I'm talking 1986 money!
I was the richest boy in the whole damn 10th grade

I made sure to creepily warn all the Co-Eds from going camping out in them there woods!


You were in 10th grade when you were 13 years old?


Thereabouts, yes
14 at the latest, I was driving shortly after


They put a 13-year-old in charge of a gas station? They let you sell tobacco and beer?
