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Actors who don't like watching themselves

I don't really buy it. Johnny Depp has become known as someone who supposedly never watches his own performances. Claire Foy is on a morning show right now and she doesn't like watching herself either. I find this to be really disingenuous. So you don't like to watch yourself, but your whole existence is about getting others to watch you? Why, if you don't like to watch yourself, would you even think anyone else was interested? It's like this whole, I don't care, but I secretly care more than anything, thing. I hate it.


I think there is a different way to look at it pete. I would imagine for is just uncomfortable to view themselves. I can only speak from my own experience with vocals. I HATE hearing my own voice! It is getting better...but it is still the biggest challenge I face on any project...and why I prefer making content that is not dependant on a monologue. I mean listen to my star wars video. I sound like froggy from the little rascals😂 that was intentional...but not for artistic effect. I was simply unable to do the vocals and listen to them In my true voice. I could only imagine what my stress level would be if my person was also on display. I could definitely film myself...but I would sweat every frame for queerness in my personal appearance...production values like lighting...and yes...MY VOICE😬

As you are a writer...have you ever been uneasy letting others read your work? Perhaps not...As you have great self esteem. But certainly you have experienced writers who are shy where there work is concerned. I'm sure some are reluctant due to the fact that the writing is shit....but it must also be true that you have read works by writers that were hesitant to share...but whose work did not warrant such apprehension. This most likely occurs in all artistic categories...but not to every artist. We as artists should always be understanding of the process it takes to create...and realize that the process is as different as the artists creating it👍


I get being uncomfortable showing your work, but it's their job. There's a whole "suck it up" factor that I feel like needs to be learned if you're going to be a professional. I guess I can understand it in that most actors probably base their self worth off of other people's opinions of them, something that I don't have. However, in my opinion, acting is an inherently narcissistic craft. I am definitely narcissistic, and I can't possible understand not wanting to at least look at the finished product to see if you did a good job, or how you can improve and grow. At the very least it's sloppy on the professionalism front. If I cared about sports, I would hope my team watched the games afterward to learn and grow.


I do agree that every artist has their own path and process though, that is a solid point.


I can understand it. Many actors and actresses who have said they don't don't care to watch themselves look at their performances and think that they should have done this or that differently when they see themselves on screen. They see themselves bigger than life up there. Sometimes that's enough to make them cringe.
I just recently saw an old interview with Joanne Woodward. She said that she couldn't watch one of her films unless she went to a theater and hid in the dark.
They may want people to watch them in movies. It's their bread and butter. For a number of them, I think it's about working.


I don’t watch Johnny depp’s performances anymore either. I don’t blame him.
