MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Juvenile cliques labeling users trolls

Juvenile cliques labeling users trolls

There are a few people on here who cannot have a debate and label other users trolls because of their own deficits. I think this forum is as good as its creative and intelligent posters. Unfortunately many users who are not very creative nor intelligent launch smear campaigns against those who f us who view this as a forum for discussion and if we like a user, socialization. Unfortunately several users want this to be an exclusively social forum like high school and are encouraging new and seasoned users to "ignore" new users. This is only torpedoing your site. Discussing other members at length in a forum labeling them trolls is not constructive and these people are turning this forum into a banal place.


I've come into contact with them so I believe you. Recently, I got embroiled in a ludicrous debate with some of the more self-righteous on this board on the dangers of heavy moderation. I was attacked for being a troll also and accused of being some other character they couldn't get out of their minds. Almost all those individuals have been placed on ignore and things have been tranquil ever since.


I followed that controversy and quietly always thought you made some valid points . I can relate because I was also labeled as a troll by someone who now very obviously is, the classic 'pot-calling-the kettle-black' strategy.


Terrygg is the worst offender bc she he isn't that bright and hates anyone who shows shehe what shhe is. So weird still can't tell if its a guy or woman. Lol!!!
