MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Project management check, next up modera...

Project management check, next up moderators and rules?

From what Jim was saying on the site's progression the ignore feature was highly requested and that moderators would be the next thing.

I'm guessing that rules will be put together by Jim and the moderators and linked to from each page of the site (The footer perhaps). This will be a good way of keeping everyone on the same values for what is acceptable and what is not here. Supposing that all goes without a hitch what would you like to see next for the site?

Formatting for posts with buttons to make it easier? Emoji? pictures being displayed? Private messages? Friends list?

What other ideas do you think would make the site be on top form?

Well done Jim for putting this all together at the rate you are going at, big updates every week just now. Share what you think would be your favourite next step for the site.
