MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What I like better about MovieChat than ...

What I like better about MovieChat than IMDb

- I've said this before, but the Trending section on the home page, which allows me to see films and shows I've never heard of before, and what at least one person (usually more) has to say about it.

- I don't know him at all, but Jim's ethics and stated reasons for starting this site, as well as his accessibility and transparent communications.

- The interface is much cleaner and more appealing to me.

- The fact that Jim transported here as many discussions here as he could, so there's some continuity from the previous boards, and something to riff off of if one can't think of a new topic on any given board.

- The lack of trolling (except for a handful), and overall positive atmosphere of the posters here. I assume the more popular this site gets, the more trollers it'll attract, because they're all about attention. I even find it encouraging in a way that we've already had a couple trolls; they wouldn't be here if they thought it was a dead site. I have faith that somehow Jim (and the rest of us) will figure out some sane way deal with them, as they come.

- Ability to see posts in the rest of the thread when replying to a specific post.
