MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Question about posts????

Question about posts????

Okay, so I had a question about the posts. I know at least some of my old posts from IMDB are here. I looked on the message boards for The First Wives Club to see if a post I had made on a thread years ago was still there, and it is. But, how do we see our posts in our profile? Like, on imdb when you went onto your profile and scrolled down a little, it listed all of your activity and and all the stuff you've posted over the years. But, I can't find it on here. Have they just not done that part yet or what? Anybody know?


For now, you just click on your own screenname to see your activity.

It will show your created threads in one column, and your posts in another. This forum design is probably temporary. I think Jim said there will be an update with lots more features.


Sorry, I just realized you were asking how to see your IMDB posts, not your MovieChat posts.
Unfortunately there is no way that I know of. Even if you use the exact same screenname here as your IMDB screenname, they aren't linked yet.

You'll just have to go by memory and try to remember where you posted before.


Oh, I know. It says "posts" and replies". But, the only post that it shows right now is this one. It doesn't show any of my old posts from IMDB. That's why I was wondering, because I'd that all our old posts and threads were transferred over to here.


Ah, okay. Thank you. So, hopefully they'll be able to link up the two of them sooner or later. That'd be nice.


My old posts from imdb shows up just go to the ones you posted in
